Windows 10 1703 не скачивает обновления с wsus
Windows 10 1703 Update - WSUS
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I have not seen this yet but will test it in my lab this week or next
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1981DMC wrote:
I have not seen this yet but will test it in my lab this week or next
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Which version of Windows were you trying to deploy it to?В I ask because my WSUS has prompted me to approve N, Retail, non-Retail, and EDU versions of Windows 10 Professional.В If the test machine wasn't an EDU version then the error message is what I would expect.
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the test machine is running EDU and we are trying the EDU upgrade from 1607 to 1703
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Thinking about it, I haven't seen the actual upgrades to v1703 from Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 come through WSUS.В If I remember correctly it was a month or so before v1607 upgrades popped up in my WSUS server.В The feature packs on the other hand, all showed up very quickly.
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yeah we did the anniversary update via wsus as well, took us a while to figure it out and solve those weird issues and now we are getting this problem with 1703.
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I am having the same issue. I was able to use the upgrade tool but WSUS is failing for my test machines.В Error 0x80244007 computers have been updating fine till now. it installed another update today without any issues. The "Feature update to Windows 10 Pro, version 1703, en-us, Retail" is the only one failing.
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Yup that update assistant works just fine but the wsus fails to upgrade from 1607 to 1703. if I rename or delete the SoftwareDistribution folder I get the error you are getting and in second attempt I get the initial error message which is in my post.
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So I figured my issue out it was number 2 in this list. Make sure you have added .esd into your IIS.
1. In Products/Classifications, make sure to check off the Upgrades box or Windows 10 will not be available to deploy.2. You also will need to add a MIME type for *.esd as application/octet-stream at the top level in IIS. To do this: Open IIS Manager > Select the server name > From the "IIS" section in the centre of IIS Manager, open "MIME Types" > Click "Add…" >  File Mame Extention: = .esd MIME type: application/octet-stream
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Ghost Chili
zhall wrote:
So I figured my issue out it was number 2 in this list. Make sure you have added .esd into your IIS.
1. In Products/Classifications, make sure to check off the Upgrades box or Windows 10 will not be available to deploy.2. You also will need to add a MIME type for *.esd as application/octet-stream at the top level in IIS. To do this: Open IIS Manager > Select the server name > From the "IIS" section in the centre of IIS Manager, open "MIME Types" > Click "Add…" >  File Mame Extention: = .esd MIME type: application/octet-stream
This must be your first feature update that you're trying to push through WSUS. This was needed since the 1511 feature update.2
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Thanks Zhall. it is working now. you saved me a lot of time. we did this workaround for 1511 but my one of colleagues did so i had no idea about it. :P our old server crashed so that is why i had to do it again.
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Yea, I just started at this company in November. I set up WSUS they were going to Microsoft for updates. Previous employer didn't have windows 10. I thought it was fixed but it ended up failing again. So i guess this wasn't the fix for me.
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Well it fixed my problem. Probably you are upgrading win7 or 8 to 10?
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No, I am on Windows 10 1607 trying to go to 1703. it is still installing all updates except 1703.В
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your wsus, is it running on 2012 or lower version?
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Server 2012Im starting to think i messed up my web.config file when I did the KB3159706 on my wsus server. As i am getting these errors on my clients. (I removed my domain from the error)
17/04/13 08:49:27.8425216 996 7560 WebServices В WS error: The body of the received message contained a fault.2017/04/13 08:49:27.8425235 996 7560 WebServices В WS error: The fault reason was: 'The message with To '' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to an AddressFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. Check that the sender and receiver's EndpointAddresses agree.'.2017/04/13 08:49:27.8425280 996 7560 WebServices В WS error: The message with To '' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to an AddressFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. Check that the sender and receiver's EndpointAddresses agree.2017/04/13 08:49:27.8425325 996 7560 WebServices В WS Error code: DestinationUnreachableВ0
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it is always best to have a backup or snapshot if it is running on virtual machine. i will look into this if i could find you something.
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It ended up being an issue with my web.config file I must have removed the two lines of services that were already in the file when I added the two new ones. Issue has been resolved. Thanks for your help.
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I'm still having a issue with this update.В WSUS running on Server 2012 R2.В Had the .esd mime type added already.В In fact we upgraded multiple PC's from 1511 -> 1607 through WSUS without issue in the past.В Now we have about 35 machines running Win 10 1607 x64 OEM and none are taking the 1703 upgrade from WSUS.В For the "Feature update to Windows 10 Pro, version 1703, en-us" its set to install and the files are downloaded but the "Computers needing this update" lists as 0.В Yet on a machine that needs the update under Windows Update it says "Good news! The Windows 10 Creators Update is on its way. Want to be one of the first to get it?" with a link even though doing a check for updates says "Your device is up to date."
All other updates (security updates, the lastВ Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607, etc) are being deployed correctly and installing.В I did a server cleanup and reboot which didn't work then found this script: and tried that.В It completed successfully so I rebooted and tried again but still shows 0 computers needing the update but clients that do need it still show no updates available and the link to get the creators update.В
Any ideas?
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did you already rebuild the softwaredistribution folder on your clients? Try to stop the windows update services and rename the softwaredistribution to softwaredistribution.old via cmd and start the services it will recreate the folder and rebuild the database. Hope this solves your issue.
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Windows 10 Enterprise here, version 1607 (14393.1066)
Standalone WSUS on Server 2012 r2 Standard
Am able to download and install 1607 or earlier builds as feature packs or upgrades, but not 1703.В
We get this message when we try and update our Windows 10 machines and download the feature update to Windows 10 Enterprise, Version 1703:
Update Status
Feature update to Windows 10 Enterprise, version 1703, en-us - Error 0x80248007
Retry doesn't help, reboots of WSUS or the clients don't help, clearing the Software Distribution on the local Windows 10 1607 builds doesn't help, Running a full Windows Update Repair diagnostic doesn't help, running various powershell commands to effectively do the same from powershell doesn't help (re-register of the DLL's, restarting services, forced update sync start). I have made sure the Mime type for .ESD is in IIS.
Wondering what else to do to get this working, anyone else encounter this? It's the only way we can get Enterprise at the moment, it's not available for standalone download except as a trial or through an MSDN subscription, and not at the manual ms update site either.
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Ghost Chili
tonyvelasco wrote:
Wondering what else to do to get this working, anyone else encounter this? It's the only way we can get Enterprise at the moment, it's not available for standalone download except as a trial or through an MSDN subscription, and not at the manual ms update site either.
Everyone who has tried it. Nobody has fixed it yet. I haven't tried it yet.0
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I am able to get the 1703 Update to install, but after the update completes I can no longer get updates from WSUS.В SoftwareDistribution shows its created a folder for the cumulative updates but the files do not download and windows update sticks at 0%.В Reset update components, but that did not work.
Windows 10 не может загрузить пакеты апгрейдов с WSUS (0x80244019)
WSUS на базе Windows Server 2012 и выше поддерживает возможность установки на Windows 10 не только обычных обновлений безопасности и исправлений, но и крупных пакетов обновлений (в терминологии Microsoft – апгрейдов). Но прямо из коробки этот функционал не работает, такие апгрейды (в концепции Windows 10 называются Redstone ) на клиенты просто не закачиваются. Разберемся в проблеме.
Во WSUS на Windows Server 2012 появился новый тип классов обновлений – Upgrades. Включается он в консоли WSUS в разделе Options ->Product and Classification -> вкладка Classification. Нас интересует опция Upgrades (если она не включена, не спешите ее включать!).
Если включить эту опцию, то сервер WSUS все равно не будет загружать апгрейды, выдавая при загрузке ошибку. Чтобы сервер WSUS начал скачивать пакеты апгрейдов, нужно на WSUS сервере установить отдельное обновление: KB 3095113 (
Но это еще не все, даже после установки KB 3095113 на сервере, пакеты апгрейдов на клиентах все равно не появляются. В журналах WindowsUpdate.log на ПК с Windows 10 появляется можно найти ошибку 0x80244019:
2016/08/24 15:32:36.3654849 1064В 2660В DownloadManager BITS job {84234ABB-06CE-4251-941C-281B4424EB32} failed, updateId = 8CB55544-8521-238E-AAFB-422D647DC0A6.200, hr = 0x80190194. File URL =, local path = C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\dc0dc85b32300fe505d5d9a2f479c1b0\10586.0.151029-1700.th3_release_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_x64fre_en-us.esd
2016/08/24В 15:33:36.3658125 1064В 2660В DownloadManagerВ В Progress failure bytes total = 2659650046, bytes transferred = 18574952
2016/08/24 15:33:36.3845664 1064В 2660В DownloadManager Error 0x80244019 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
В логе видна попытка закачать файл ESD (новый формат распространения образа ОС), —7C/6F5CAF07827FAE0E37739F3222603EAF38808B7C.esd с сервера. Попробуйте открыть этот URL в браузере – появится ошибка 404. Дело в том, что этот тип файлов не разрешен в настройках IIS и его передача блокируется.
Чтобы разрешить серверу WSUS передавать ESD файлы, откройте консоль Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager, перейдите на сайт WSUS Administration и выберите каталог Content. В настройках IIS выберите раздел Mime Types.
Добавьте новый тип MIME (Add MIME type):
Расширение файла: .esd
РўРёРї MIME: application/octet-stream
Перезапустите службу IIS (iisreset) и выполните повторную синхронизацию на клиентах. Клиенты Windows 10 должны начать закачивать esd файлы и могут приступать к установке пакетов обновлений.
Обновления для Windows 10 доступны на WSUS серверах
В рамках подготовки к официальному запуску Windows 10 (которое произойдет 29 июля), Microsoft добавила поддержку нового продукта на WSUS серверах. Теперь на WSUS серверах в списке доступных для обновления продуктов появились новые категории обновлений для Windows 10. Ниже представлен вид консоли WSUS на Windows Server 2012 R2.
Появились следующие категории:
- Windows 10 and later drivers
- Windows 10 and latel upgrade & servicing drivers
- Windows 10 Language Interface Packs
- Windows 10 and Language Packs
- Windows 10
Как и в случае с Windows 8, WSUS сервер позволяет раздавать не только обновления безопасности и хотфиксы, но и языковые пакеты и пакеты с обновлениями драйверов.
Таким образом, Windows 10 в корпоративной среде теперь может обновляться непосредственно с внутреннего WSUS сервера. Что интересно, никакого дополнительного обновления на серверах WSUS устанавливать не потребовалось (в случае с Windows 8/Windows 2012 на WSUS серверах приходилось устанавливать специальное обновление).
Если в вашей организации планируется миграция на Windows 10, не забудьте отметить эти категории, чтобы обновления для этих продуктов начали скачиваться и раздаваться клиентам сервером WSUS. Если переход на Windows 10 пока не планируется, и клиентов с этой ОС во внутренней сети не будет, новые категории лучше не отмечать, с целью экономии места на WSUS сервере.
Также заметим, что появился новый раздел обновлений для Windows Server Technical Preview 2.